Established December 13, 1991
Revised November 16, 2010

The Agency SMART Rapport Association (ASTRA) is an organization for the promotion of intercommunication between the Department and agencies of the State of Kansas. ASTRA is operated by state agencies for state agencies. The primary purpose of the group is to provide an educational forum; although, problem identification and recommended methods of resolution will also be a significant activity. ASTRA does not serve in a policy-making role and acceptance of ASTRA recommendations by the Department does not infer such authority.

ASTRA will have three officers selected by the members. No more than one officer may be from the same agency. The officers shall serve one year terms and are limited to two consecutive terns in the same office. There shall be a President, Vice-President, and Secretary. No officer may be an employee of the Department of Administration. The Association may form such committees and subcommittees as are necessary and proper for carrying out the business of the Association.

Membership is open to any representative of a state agency of Kansas upon recommendation of the agency's chief financial officer. There are no dues required for membership. Members are expected to participate fully in the activities of the Association including, but not limited to, study groups, task forces, and committees as deemed appropriate by the membership.

Meetings will be held at least quarterly. All expenses associated with attendance of ASTRA meetings will be borne by the member or member's agency. Officer's and organization's expenses will generally be the responsibility of the employing agency of the individual incurring the expenses, or such individual.

The Department of Administration will provide limited clerical and coordinative support to ASTRA, But will not be responsible for the conduct of the Association's meetings. The Divisions of Accounts and Reports and Information Systems and Communications will provide knowledgeable staff to be in attendance at all ASTRA meetings but such staff are in an advisory role only and will not lead or conduct business of the Association.



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Page last modified on: June 22, 2012