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Accounts and Reports

DATE:  September 16, 1996
SUBJECT: DA-35 Electronic Processing
EFFECTIVE DATE:      Immediately
A & R CONTACT: Payroll Services     (785) 296-3146      
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Regents may electronically submit DA-35 data for prior period funding changes.

The Division of Accounts and Reports is pleased to announce the implementation of electronic transmission for the DA-35 for the purpose of payroll prior period funding adjustments for Regents institutions. Regents institutions may begin electronically submitting DA-35 transactions once test data has been submitted and successfully processed.

The existing DA-175 file layout will be used to make the electronic transmissions, with the following modifications:

  1. The batching agency will continue to be '004'; however, the batch type will be '6' for the DA-35. The batch number series for STARS purposes will continue as previously assigned.
  2. The document number field must reflect a 'J1' prefix. A block of journal voucher numbers can continue to be requested from Payroll Services staff.

In addition, the following edits will apply to the DA-35 process:

  1. The sum of the 729 transactions must equal the sum of the 729R transactions at the detail expenditure sub-object code level.
  2. Revenue sub-object code transactions will not be allowed.
  3. There should be no transactions against the Regents payroll clearing funds (ie., fund 98XX).

A DA-40, Magnetic Tape /Dataset Voucher Transmittal form, is required when submitting a DA-35 transmission. The dataset naming convention should be the same as for the DA-175 except replace '175' with '35' (i.e., DA35.N01). If the DA-35 transmission is for testing purposes, an indication should be made on the DA-40 form that the transmission is a test file.

Regents institutions should coordinate any DA-35 testing efforts with the Payroll Systems Team in Payroll Services.