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Accounts and Reports

DATE:  July 16, 2001
SUBJECT: New Payroll Deduction Codes for Parking - Signature Building Garage
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Payroll Period Beginning July 8, 2001 and Ending July 21, 2001, Paid August 3, 2001
A & R CONTACT: Roger Basinger   (785) 296-5387   (roger.basinger@da.state.ks.us)
APPROVAL: Approved by Dale Brunton
SUMMARY: Addition of New Parking Deduction Codes PPKT08 and PKT08B

To facilitate the collection of parking fees for the Signature Building Garage, payroll deduction codes PPKT08 (pre-tax parking) and PKT08B (after-tax parking) have been added to SHARP effective July 8, 2001. The employee deduction will be $20.77 per bi-weekly payroll period. The employer rate, payroll deduction code PKAD05 (which is already established), will be $1.59 (.0765 X $20.77) per payroll period.

The Division of Accounts and Reports, Payroll Systems Team will make the necessary updates to the SHARP payroll system to effect this change for all employees for whom SHARP calculates pay. Regent's institutions are responsible for ensuring that this change is made in their individual systems.
