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Accounts and Reports


INFORMATIONAL CIRCULAR NO. 13-A-008 (revises 13-a-006)
DATE:  June 26, 2013
SUBJECT: Changes to the closing of Fiscal Year 2013 and Opening of Fiscal Year 2014
EFFECTIVE DATE:   Immediately

Randy Kennedy

Central Responsibilities Team

Steve Banning
Payroll Services Section

Lucinda Anstaett
Office of the State Treasurer


(785) 296 4788

(785) 296 7059

(785) 296 4151







Sarah Gigous

(original signature on file)

SUMMARY: Changes to the schedule of accounting events relevant to the close of fiscal year 2013 and the opening of fiscal year 2014.



As a result of unforeseen technical issues and the extended delay of opening SMART to agencies on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, the following changes have been made to the previous schedule of accounting events relevant to the close of fiscal year 2013 and the opening of fiscal year 2014.

General Items

The cutoff for interface files into SMART for fiscal year 2013 will be 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 27, 2013 for Expenditures and 5:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013 for Deposits.

All FY 2013 transactions must be successfully edited, budget checked, matched, agency approved, dispatched, and submitted into workflow for central approval, as appropriate, by 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013. After these dates, SMART will be closed to all agency users, and the SMART clean-up process will begin on Saturday, June 29, 2013.

Accounts Payable

The final day that agencies can enter a voucher in accounts payable for FY 2013 business will be 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013. Here is additional information that will help you with accounts payable:

  • In order for accounts payable transactions to complete for FY 2013, vouchers must be entered, approved, matched, and budget checked by 6:00 PM on June 28.
  • Any FY 2013 accounts payable item that cannot be entered into SMART by the cutoff date must be encumbered by using a purchase order.
  • Interfacing agencies must have their final INF02 for FY 2013 business submitted by 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 27.

Expense Reports

Expense Reports chargeable to FY 2013 must be processed in SMART by Friday, June 28, 2013. For any travel that is chargeable to FY 2013 that cannot be processed by the deadline, the agency must process a Travel Authorization.


To encumber monies for FY 2013, requisitions must be sourced to POs and the PO must be approved, budget checked and dispatched by end of business on Friday, June 28, 2013.

The last P-Card voucher build process for FY 2013 will run the morning of Friday, June 28, 2013. The resulting P-Card vouchers must be approved and successfully budget checked prior to 3:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013 so they are eligible to process in pay cycle.

Asset Management

All FY 13 asset transactions must be entered by 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013. This includes additions, adjustments, transfers, and retirements, as well as updating costs for CIP assets. The Transaction Date should be the effective date of the transaction. For new assets being entered in SMART, the Transaction Date will be the In Service Date.

For agencies utilizing integration, all outstanding Interface ID’s for FY 2013 must be processed by 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013. If an asset is acquired by your agency at the end of the fiscal year and the voucher will not be posted by Wednesday, June 26, 2013, please enter the asset(s) manually via Express Add.

Project Costing

All Federal funds must be in a positive cash position by year-end close. For agencies with Federal funds tied to Project Costing and Customer Contracts, this means that FY 2013 billing worksheets should be approved or written-off and any related deposits completed by 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013.

Accounts Receivable

Fiscal year 2013 deposits must be entered as follows:

  • Friday, June 28, 2013 online entry into SMART will be open to agencies.
  • Friday, June 28, 2013 at 6:00 PM is the cutoff for online entry of FY13 deposits.
  • SMART AR deposit jobs will run according to the regular hourly schedule.
  • Friday, June 28, 2013, agencies may continue to upload and submit FY 2013 deposits via INF43 and INF44 until 5:00 PM. Only deposits approved and released by the State Treasurer’s Office by 3:00 PM on Friday, June 28 will be considered FY13 GL business. 
  • Any FY13 deposits processed after 3:00 PM Friday, June 28, on Saturday, June 29 and on Sunday, June 30 will be considered deposits-in-transit with an FY13 AR date and an FY14 GL date. 

Deposits in transit are defined as:

  • Agency receipts after 3:00 PM Friday, June 28, 2013.
  • Agency receipts on Saturday, June 29, 2013.
  • Agency receipts on Sunday, June 30, 2013.

Since SMART will be open to agencies on Friday, June 28, 2013, the Temporary Deposit Form will not be used on that day.



  • The accounting dates on both the voucher and deposit must fall within the same fiscal year.
  • Friday, June 28, 2013 6:00 PM: both sides of the interfund must be approved.  All remaining FY2013 interfund deposits and interfund vouchers will be deleted by the SMART team.


GL Journals

  • In order to affect fiscal year 2013, ALL GL Journals must be successfully edited, budget checked, agency approved, and submitted into workflow for central approval by 6:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013.
  • Interfacing agencies must have their final INF06 for FY 2013 business submitted by 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 27, 2013.
  • GL Spreadsheet Journals can be uploaded manually until 3:00 PM on Friday, June 28, 2013. The journals must be approved and submitted for central approval by 6:00 PM.


Agencies using Allocations must run their last FY 2013 allocation process on Friday, June 28, 2013. All resulting GL Journals must be posted by 5:00 PM that day.


Day by Day Summary – June 25, 2013 through June 29, 2013


GL Encumbrances keyed into SMART by OSM as time permits.

PCard Voucher build process ran.  This is an additional run for PCard voucher build.


GL Encumbrances keyed into SMART by OSM as time permits.

PCard Voucher build process ran.  This is an additional run for PCard voucher build.

Budget check and Post payroll journals for the Thursday, June 27 off-cycle pay date.


PCard Voucher build process will run as normally scheduled for Thursday mornings.

5:00 PM -- Final FY 2013 Expenditure and Journal interface files must be placed on the mainframe to be processed in nightly batch. This includes INF02 (Inbound Vouchers) and INF06 (Inbound GL Journals).

6:00 PM --Last day to reconcile and approve FY 2013 P-Card transactions. An encumbrance must be created using the requisition to PO process for any P-Card transaction payments needing to use FY 2013 funds but have not been reconciled by end of day. The PO must be approved and dispatched by end of day June 28, 2013.


P-Card Voucher build process run. This is an additional run for P-Card voucher build and will be the last process to include FY 2013 P-Card transactions that do not have a PO encumbrance tied to it.

Last day for processing FY 2013 business in SMART.

1:00 PM -- Final INF50 spreadsheet voucher uploads must be submitted.

5:00 PM – Allocations must be completed with all resulting GL Journals posted.

6:00 PM -- Requisitions must have built to a PO and all Purchase Orders must be successfully approved, budget checked, and dispatched.

6:00 PM -- BI transactions must be finalized and moved into AR.

6:00 PM -- AR online transactions must be entered and agency approved.

6:00 PM -- AP transactions must be edited (error-free), budget checked, matched, in postable or posted status, and all agency approvals complete.

6:00 PM -- EX transactions must be edited, budget checked, and all agency approvals complete.

6:00 PM -- GL Journals must be successfully edited, budget checked, agency approved and submitted into workflow for central approval.

6:00 PM -- AM transactions must be complete. All capital assets (including CIP) must be entered. Any adjustments, transfers, and retirements must be complete. All outstanding Interface Id's must be loaded.

Asset Management Monthly batch runs after 6:00 PM.

Updates to payroll position pool definitions for fiscal year 2014 must be entered into SHARP by 6:00 PM in order to be reflected in the charges for the on-cycle paychecks dated July 5, 2013 (first on-cycle paychecks charged to fiscal year 2014). Updates should be entered with an effective date of June 10, 2013.

29-Jun and 30-Jun

8:00 AM – 6:00 PM – The SMART team will be correcting issues so that FY 2013 can be closed.  Agencies should submit the contact information for a person who can provide guidance in the event the SMART team has a question about an agency transaction.  Please submit a SMART Service Desk Ticket with the name and phone where they can be reached on Saturday and Sunday.