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Payroll Services

Paycheck Reversal Procedures
and Form Completion Instructions

  • The purpose of a paycheck reversal is to cancel all accounting transactions associated with a specific paycheck. 
  • A paycheck cannot be reversed:

    • If it has been redeemed by the State Treasurer
    • If the paycheck has been adjusted
    • If the paycheck is the result of an adjustment.
    • If the paycheck is a check and advice (part paper check and part direct deposit).
  • The reversal process is used when pay should not have been processed for the employee, or when reissuing a new paycheck because the original was mailed to an incorrect mailing address. If a new check is to be issued, you will also need to follow the procedures for creating a supplemental as a separate transaction. Instructions for processing a supplemental can be found at http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/payroll/suppauth.htm.
  • Since a reversal does not calculate a paycheck for an employee, you can process multiple reversals, or reversals and a supplemental, or reversals and one adjustment in the same off-cycle for the same employee.
  • The following procedures describe how to reverse a paper check. Only the Payroll Services Section of the Division of Accounts and Reports will enter direct deposit (EFT) reversals of an advice.


  1. Agency determines that a Paycheck Reversal is needed. If the agency has possession of the paycheck, void the paycheck by stamping VOID across the face of the paycheck or by cutting out the signature.
  2. Agency completes form DA-6P, Paycheck Stop Payment Request, and faxes it to the State Treasurer's Office at (785) 296-2014. The DA-6P can be found on the forms page in either .pdf format (requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader be installed on your PC) or as a PC fillable Excel file (requiring Excel be installed on your PC). Instructions for completing the Form DA-6P can be found at http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/payroll/stoppayment.htm.
  3. Upon receipt of the approved Paycheck Stop Payment Request agencies may enter the reversal request in SHARP by going to Payroll for North America>Payroll Processing USA>Reverse/Adjust Paychecks.
  4. Enter the run control "ADJ-ALL" and click on search. (You may need to Add A New Value if that run control does not yet exist for your operator ID.)
  5. The three boxes under the heading "Process Request Parameter(s)" should default the correct values unless this is your first time on this page under this run control. The values should be:

    • Company: "SOK"
    • Pay Group: either "KAA" for the first off-cycle of a pay period, "KAB" for the second off-cycle of a pay period, or "KAC" for the third off-cycle of a pay period.
    • Pay Period End Date: The most recently confirmed on-cycle pay period end date. This date will not necessarily be the pay period end date of the paycheck being reversed or adjusted.
  6. Under "Selection Criteria" on a blank line, enter the paycheck number and issue date of the paycheck to be reversed.

    • If data already exists on the page, click on the Add Row (+) button to add a new row. Do not type over existing data. You will lose the prior request.
    • Tab out of the issue date field and the rest of the information will default to the page. Verify that the information such as employee ID, name, and net pay is correct.
    • If the check information is not correct, exit out of the page without saving it and find the correct information.

      • To exit this page without saving, you can either click on the Back arrow button in the upper left hand corner of the page, or you can click on another item in the Main Menu. You will get a message stating that you are exiting the panel with unsaved data. Click on the Cancel button.
    • Click the "Reversal" radio button at the bottom of the page.
    • Click on the Save button.
    • If another paycheck is to be adjusted or reversed in the same off-cycle, click on the Add Row (+) button to add a new row to enter the next paycheck information. DO NOT write over any existing paycheck number or you will lose the prior request.
    • To delete a reversal request,

      • And there is more than one reversal/adjustment request on the page:

        • Click on the Delete Row (-) button of the row that should be deleted.
        • Click on "Save".
        • The deletion is not complete until the page is saved.
        • You must have at least one other reversal or adjustment on the page in order to save it after the deletion.
      • And there is only one reversal/adjustment request:

        • Click on the "Delete Current Reversal/Adjustment" radio button toward the bottom of the page.
        • Click on "Save".


Form Completion Instructions for Agency Use Only

  • Dept ID - Enter the 10-digit department ID number where the employee works.
  • Employee ID - Enter the employee's 11-character ID number.
  • Emp Rcd # - Enter the employee's one digit record number.
  • Employee Name - Enter the employee's name as it exists in SHARP.
  • Pay Period End Date - Enter the end date of the pay period for which the check was issued.
  • Paycheck Number - Enter the number of the paycheck.
  • Paycheck Date - Enter the issue date of the paycheck.
  • Net Pay Amount - Enter the amount of the paycheck.
  • Reversal - Check the Reversal button.
  • Description - Enter the reason the paycheck is being reversed.
  • Sign and date the form and enter the contact person's name and phone number.
  • Attach a copy of the approved Form DA-6P, Paycheck Stop Payment Request, to the DA-180 and file in the agency's payroll documentation file.

Note: The Attachment to DA-180 is not required when only reversing a paycheck.